The key to producing a successful eBook owes much to the set up of the printed version. At Falcon every title we produce for printing is set up in such a way that producing the eBook is a simple task and the final eBook will closely match it’s printed counterpart.
It could be that you don’t need a printed version but just want your title published as an eBook. We will format your text and supply you with digital formats for use on the Amazon Kindle and most other eReader devices.
Our pricing for producing eBooks is extremely competitive, in fact probably much less than you might think. If you are thinking of producing your own eBook it might well be worth you giving us a call first. You will get a professional service for not a lot of outlay.
If you would like to speak to us about our eBook services please call us on +44 (0)1580 766001 or email [email protected]